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Azure Active Directory

Showing 29 of 904

Azure Active Directory: Included Users in MFA Enforcement Policy

You will need to customize the displayName in the query to the string you use to describe your MFA policy. For example if your policy name is Required MFA DUO then your metric would look like this instead Users[?contains(~.Policies.ConditionalAcce...
Samuel Pierce over 2 years ago in Azure Active Directory 0

Azure Active Directory: Included Groups in MFA Enforcement Policy

The DisplayName will need to be edited to match the string you use for your MFA enforcement policy, so for Example if yours is called Require DUO MFA the string metric would read Groups[?contains(~.Policies.ConditionalAccess[?displayName ==` Requi...
Samuel Pierce over 2 years ago in Azure Active Directory 0

Azure Active Directory: Clients with/without "a service"

This is good to identify clients with a service or services. If looking for 2 services: SecureScore[?contains(enabledServices,`HasAaADP1`) || contains(enabledServices,`HasAaADP2`)] && SystemInfo.Overview.CompanyName
De'Shard Brown over 1 year ago in Azure Active Directory 0

Azure Active Directory: Count of Users in Assigned Group

Returns the number of users assigned to group. This is a contains function, so you don't need to be exact.
Phil at Gradient MSP almost 2 years ago in Azure Active Directory 0

Azure Active Directory: Computers Details [PowerBI]

Returns the name, os system, os version, and encryption status of the device in Azure AD.
Guest about 2 years ago in Azure Active Directory 0

Azure Active Directory: Assigned Device Configurations

Shows a list of which configuration policies have groups assigned Can be used as a summary of deployed configuration, or time line change to show new configs applied to devices. NOTE: does not return configuration values, or assigned groups - only...
Austin B [QuoStar] about 2 years ago in Azure Active Directory 0

Azure Active Directory: Excluded Users from MFA enforcement Policy

You will need to customize the displayName in the query to the string you use to describe your MFA policy. For example if your policy name is Required MFA DUO then your metric would look like this instead Users[?contains(~.Policies.ConditionalAcce...
Samuel Pierce over 2 years ago in Azure Active Directory 1

Azure Active Directory: Excluded Groups From MFA enforcement Policy

You will need to customize the displayName in the query to the string you use to describe your MFA policy. For example if your policy name is Required MFA DUO then your metric would look like this instead Groups[?contains(~.Policies.ConditionalAcc...
Samuel Pierce over 2 years ago in Azure Active Directory 0

Azure Active Directory: InTune registered devices with Encryption disabled

Detects corporate intune registered devices not encrypted. Outputs into CSV friendly format
Austin B [QuoStar] about 3 years ago in Azure Active Directory 0