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Microsoft 365

Showing 126 of 953

Microsoft 365: Current Secure Score

Reports the current Microsoft 365 Secure Score
Paul Taplett over 2 years ago in Microsoft 365 0

Microsoft 365: Exchange Licensed user w/ mailbox 95% full

Returns a list of users who are licensed for Exchange and who's mailbox storage used is >95%
Lamont Largie over 1 year ago in Microsoft 365 0

Microsoft 365: Users with "XX" License (List or Count)

This will allow you to pull a list of users or the count that is assigned to a specific License.
De'Shard Brown over 1 year ago in Microsoft 365 0

Microsoft 365: Microsoft Secure Scores List

Checks which Secure Scores are not 100% completed and displays a list of each with the current status of each. Useful for reporting. Example of what information is displayed: How many Admins have MFA enabled, The number of Global Admins, the numbe...
Zyad Khan over 2 years ago in Microsoft 365 0

Microsoft 365: Licensing Data Set

Microsoft 365 Licensing Metric designed for Power BI consumption.
Paul Taplett over 2 years ago in Microsoft 365 0

Microsoft 365 | User Creation By Year

Using new roarpath function, get the creation year of users in M365
Stephen Rankich almost 3 years ago in Microsoft 365 0

Microsoft 365: Is Microsoft Intune Advance Threat Protection Enabled?

Determine if Microsoft Intune Advance Threat Protetction is enabled
Kevin Fuller over 1 year ago in Microsoft 365 0

Microsoft 365: Global Admin Member List

This will provide a list of all members with the Global Admin role.
De'Shard Brown over 1 year ago in Microsoft 365 0

Microsoft 365:Stale and Licensed Users (w/ RoarExclude)

Adds the exclusion group RoarExclude to the query
Kevin Fuller over 1 year ago in Microsoft 365 0

Microsoft 365: Active Email List (Excluding Guest, including Aliases) (Identity Monitoring Metric)

Metric for the Identity Monitoring Inspector to include Active Emails as well as Alias Emails
Kevin Fuller over 1 year ago in Microsoft 365 0