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Missing the `marks` around true. Should be this.
SystemInfo.DirectorySync[?DirectorySyncEnabled == `true` && DaysSinceLastSync_r > `0`].DaysSinceLastSync_r
I believe this has been superceded by the built in Metric:
Azure Active Directory: Organizations With Directory Sync Enabled And >= 1 Day Since Last Sync List
SystemInfo.DirectorySync[?DaysSinceLastSync_r > `0` && DirectorySyncEnabled].OrganizationName
Is this the same data as Organization.onPremisesSyncEnabled and onPremisesLastSyncDateTime ?
Figured it out. SystemInfo.DirectorySync[?DaysSinceLastSync_r > '-1'].DaysSinceLastSync_r returns the correct information.
When I use SystemInfo.DirectorySync[?DaysSinceLastSync_r > `0`] | length(@) or SystemInfo.DirectorySync[?DirectorySyncEnabled == true && DaysSinceLastSync_r > `0`] | length(@) on a client with raw data of
DirectorySync: Array(1)
▶0: Object
OrganizationName: "Contoso"
DaysSinceLastSync_r: 82
DirectorySyncEnabled: true
DirectoryLastSyncDate: "2021-11-19T01:56:07Z"
I get QUERY RESULTS 0. When I change it to a client that has synced less than an hour ago. I get QUERY RESULTS 0. I'm thinking I'm missing something with this one.
An extension to this is to check if AD Sync is enabled in order to eliminate alerts for no sync on "not enabled" clients:
SystemInfo.DirectorySync[?DirectorySyncEnabled == true && DaysSinceLastSync_r > `0`] | length(@)