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Welcome to Liongard Library, where Lions share! This is a community-led space where Liongard users can come to teach and learn from one another.
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Created by Sam Walker
Created on Jun 29, 2023

Azure Active Directory: Security Defaults & Conditional Access Policies Report

This report uses the Liongard API and pulls down the Security Defaults Status and Conditional Access Policies of all the Azure Active Directory Inspectors

One benefit of this report is that you'll actually return the Display Names of the objects in the Conditional Access policies. Currently, Liongard only returns the UserID in the Data Print.

Create API Key and Identify Metric UUID

  1. Create the Azure Active Directory Metric using the query Above

  2. Identify the UUID of the Metric:

    1. Create an Access Token

    2. You need to convert the API Key and Secret into Base64 string:

      $Key = "KEYHERE"
      $Secret = "SECRETHERE"
      $Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("$($Key):$($Secret)")
      $EncodedText =[Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)
      Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Headers @{"X-ROAR-API-KEY"="$($EncodedText)"}

      Write-Output $EncodedText
    3. Enter Base64 Key on this Page and return a complete list of UUIDs to find the UUID of the metric -

PowerShell Script

Replace these values in bold within the script:

$apikey = 'Base64Key'
$outputList | Export-Csv -Path "c:\path\report.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force

$apikey = 'APIKEYHERE'

# Headers
$headers = @{
"accept" = "application/json"
"X-ROAR-API-KEY" = $apikey

# Define variables

# Initialize variables for the loop
$page = 1
$pageSize = 25
$continue = $true

# Create list to store output
$outputList = @()

# Function to get user display names
function Get-UserDisplayNames {

$displayNames = @()

foreach ($userId in $UserIds) {
$user = $Users | Where-Object { $ -eq $userId }
if ($user) {
$displayName = $user.displayName
$displayNames += $displayName
} else {
$displayNames += $userId

return $displayNames -join ', '

# Function to get group display names
function Get-GroupDisplayNames {

$displayNames = @()

foreach ($groupId in $GroupIds) {
$group = $Groups | Where-Object { $ -eq $groupId }
if ($group) {
$displayName = $group.displayName
$displayNames += $displayName
} else {
$displayNames += $groupId

return $displayNames -join ', '

# Function to get role display names
function Get-RoleDisplayNames {

$displayNames = @()

foreach ($roleId in $RoleIds) {
$role = $Roles | Where-Object { $ -eq $roleId }
if ($role) {
$displayName = $role.displayName
$displayNames += $displayName
} else {
$displayNames += $roleId

return $displayNames -join ', '

# Loop through pages while the flag is set to true
while ($continue) {
# Send API request
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Method POST -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -Body ('{"Metrics":["' + $metricUUID + '"],"Filters":[],"Sorting":[{"SortBy":"EnvironmentName","Direction":"ASC"}],"Pagination":{"Page":' + $page + ',"PageSize":' + $pageSize + '}}')

# Convert API response to JSON
$json = $response | ConvertFrom-Json
$data = $json.Data
$totalPages = $json.Pagination.TotalPages

# Loop through the data
foreach ($item in $data) {
$systemInfo = $item.Value.SystemInfo

# Extract relevant data from SystemInfo
$securityDefaultsEnabled = $systemInfo.Overview.SecurityDefaults.isEnabled

# Get the list of users, groups, and roles
$users = $item.Value.Users
$groups = $item.Value.Groups
$roles = $item.Value.RoleDefinitions

# Check if ConditionalAccess array is null or empty
if ($item.Value.Policies.ConditionalAccess) {
# Loop through ConditionalAccess policies
foreach ($conditionalAccessPolicy in $item.Value.Policies.ConditionalAccess) {
$policyDisplayName = $conditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
$policyCreatedDateTime = $conditionalAccessPolicy.createdDateTime
$policyModifiedDateTime = $conditionalAccessPolicy.modifiedDateTime
$policyState = $conditionalAccessPolicy.state

# Convert array fields to comma-separated strings
$includeUserIds = $conditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.includeUsers
$excludeUserIds = $conditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.excludeUsers
$includeGroupIds = $conditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.includeGroups
$excludeGroupIds = $conditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.excludeGroups
$includeRoleIds = $conditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.includeRoles
$excludeRoleIds = $conditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.excludeRoles

# Look up user display names
$includeUsers = Get-UserDisplayNames -UserIds $includeUserIds -Users $users
$excludeUsers = Get-UserDisplayNames -UserIds $excludeUserIds -Users $users

# Look up group display names
$includeGroups = Get-GroupDisplayNames -GroupIds $includeGroupIds -Groups $groups
$excludeGroups = Get-GroupDisplayNames -GroupIds $excludeGroupIds -Groups $groups

# Look up role display names
$includeRoles = Get-RoleDisplayNames -RoleIds $includeRoleIds -Roles $roles
$excludeRoles = Get-RoleDisplayNames -RoleIds $excludeRoleIds -Roles $roles

# Output data to separate columns
$output = [PSCustomObject]@{
"SystemID" = $item.SystemID
"FriendlyName" = $item.FriendlyName
"InspectorName" = $item.InspectorName
"EnvironmentID" = $item.EnvironmentID
"EnvironmentName" = $item.EnvironmentName
"MetricID" = $item.MetricID
"MetricUUID" = $item.MetricUUID
"MetricName" = $item.MetricName
"TimelineID" = $item.TimelineID
"TimelineDate" = $item.TimelineDate
"SecurityDefaultsEnabled" = $securityDefaultsEnabled
"ConditionalAccessDisplayName" = $policyDisplayName
"ConditionalAccessCreatedDateTime" = $policyCreatedDateTime
"ConditionalAccessModifiedDateTime" = $policyModifiedDateTime
"ConditionalAccessState" = $policyState
"IncludeUsers" = $includeUsers
"ExcludeUsers" = $excludeUsers
"IncludeGroups" = $includeGroups
"ExcludeGroups" = $excludeGroups
"IncludeRoles" = $includeRoles
"ExcludeRoles" = $excludeRoles

$outputList += $output
} else {
# Output data with null values for conditional access fields
$output = [PSCustomObject]@{
"SystemID" = $item.SystemID
"FriendlyName" = $item.FriendlyName
"InspectorName" = $item.InspectorName
"EnvironmentID" = $item.EnvironmentID
"EnvironmentName" = $item.EnvironmentName
"MetricID" = $item.MetricID
"MetricUUID" = $item.MetricUUID
"MetricName" = $item.MetricName
"TimelineID" = $item.TimelineID
"TimelineDate" = $item.TimelineDate
"SecurityDefaultsEnabled" = $securityDefaultsEnabled
"ConditionalAccessDisplayName" = $null
"ConditionalAccessCreatedDateTime" = $null
"ConditionalAccessModifiedDateTime" = $null
"ConditionalAccessState" = $null
"IncludeUsers" = $null
"ExcludeUsers" = $null
"IncludeGroups" = $null
"ExcludeGroups" = $null
"IncludeRoles" = $null
"ExcludeRoles" = $null

$outputList += $output

# Increment page number
if ($page -ge $totalPages) {
$continue = $false
} else {

# Export the final output list
$outputList | Export-Csv -Path "c:\path\report.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force


{SystemInfo: SystemInfo, Policies: Policies, Users: Users, Groups: Groups, RoleDefinitions: RoleDefinitions}

  • Attach files