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Cisco ASA

Showing 8 of 953

Cisco ASA check for CVE-2024-20353 | CVE-2024-20359

To check if the above CVE's are present on your Cisco ASA you will need to preform the below steps. First you will need to use the above metric to return a list of your ASA's software versions If your ASA version returns a value with parentheses (...
Austin Unger 10 months ago in Cisco ASA 0

CIsco ASA: Detect if management has SSH outside rule exists

Detect if management has SSH open to the outside. The outside can also be changed to 'inside' as well
Nick Dechnik over 3 years ago in Cisco ASA 0

Cisco ASA: RDP (Port 3389) Rules Detected

Checks to see if RDP/Port 3389 is listed in an access list.
Robbie Kibler over 3 years ago in Cisco ASA 0

Cisco ASA: Windows Anyconnect Image Version

Determines the version of Windows Anyconnect that's installed on the ASA.
Robbie Kibler over 3 years ago in Cisco ASA 0

Cisco ASA: ASDM Version

Determines the ASDM image that is installed on the device.
Robbie Kibler over 3 years ago in Cisco ASA 0

Cisco IOS: Syslog Detected

Determines if the device is logging to an external syslog server.
Robbie Kibler over 3 years ago in Cisco ASA 1

Cisco ASA: HTTP Rules Allowed Globally

This metric checks a Cisco ASA configuration for HTTP traffic that is allowed globally on an outside interface.
Robbie Kibler over 3 years ago in Cisco ASA 0

Cisco ASA: SSH Rules Allowed Globally

This metric checks a Cisco ASA configuration for SSH traffic that is allowed globally on an outside interface.
Robbie Kibler over 3 years ago in Cisco ASA 0