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Liongard Library

Welcome to Liongard Library, where Lions share! This is a community-led space where Liongard users can come to teach and learn from one another.
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Azure Active Directory: Secure Score - Block Legacy Authentication - Control Name, Count, Total, Status & State

Searches for Secure Score Controls that contain "blocklegacyauthentication" in it's name and returns the Control Name, Count, Total, Status & State of the found Secure Score Control.

Use Cases: Used to identify the Secure Score associated with the Control: "block legacy authentication"


SecureScore[].controlScores[?controlName.contains(to_string(@), `"BlockLegacyAuthentication"`)].['CONTROL NAME:'controlName, 'COUNT:'count, 'TOTAL:'total, 'STATUS:'implementationStatus, 'STATE:'controlState, 'IS APPLICABLE:'IsApplicable][]

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